Antiques Dealers

For furniture or artifacts requiring provenance research, expert assistance is available to uncover their history. With extensive experience in both the UK and France, including work for specialist antique dealers in London, tailored support is offered to meet your needs. French/English translation services are also available for any necessary documentation.

Probate Research

Support is available for local authority administrators, legal professionals, and coroners in locating next of kin and missing beneficiaries.

This service includes building family trees, conducting document searches, and verifying addresses to help identify and locate relevant beneficiaries.

Palaeography Services

Deciphering handwritten documents such as early wills, family letters, or church records can often be a challenge. With extensive experience transcribing and interpreting documents from the 1500s to the present day, professional assistance is available to make these records accessible.

So if you're struggling to decipher a document or interpret some handwriting, let me help.